News » Joanna Byrne

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Felipe Fernandez-Armesto publishes book on the history of human imagination

Felipe Fernández-Armesto, William P. Reynolds professor of history at the University of Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters is the author of a new book on the journey of human imagination throughout history. Fernández-Armesto is currently teaching in London at the London Global Gateway
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Professor Umesh Garg brings the science of stars to Europe

Notre Dame Professor and Nuclear Physicist Umesh Garg spent last semester as a visiting faculty member at the London Global Gateway, and no one could accuse him of taking it easy. In three short months, Garg was invited to give ten talks on his research in five different countries, including Sweden,...

Kennedy Scholars: The art of research

Jane Honerlaw is a Kennedy Scholar in London this semester, researching landscape and adaptations of Jane Austen’s writings. Experiencing the busy London metropolis, and breathing the fresh air of the England’s dramatic countryside, Honerlaw has learnt invaluable lessons about research and the importance of setting.

Celebrate 50 years of the London Law Program

The Notre Dame London Law Program turns 50 this year. Join us to celebrate this landmark event The anniversary year’s festivities kicked off in January with the first installment of a monthly…