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Summer Programs

Notre Dame London holds summer programs for undergradute students each year, and works with the Office of Pre-College Programs to host opportunities for rising high school seniors to get a taste of the Study Abroad experienece.

Visit the Study Abroad website for more information on applying to a London summer program.

Selfie outside Buckingham Palace

The London Summer Program (LSP)

The London Summer Program offers Notre Dame undergraduates the opportunity to study in London for 6 weeks from May until June. This allows students whose schedules may not allow a full semester abroad to profit from studying in a different culture. The program offers a wide range of courses in history, literature, art history, politics, philosophy, and theology and many more.

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Neuroscience and Behavior

This London-based, 6-week, 6-credit, faculty-led summer program will connect Notre Dame Neuroscience and Behavior students with the history and research of neuroscience in England. Students take excursions to sites associated with the study of the brain and historical issues in bioethics. Since neuroscience informs the way people experience all the world, students will also take part in a variety of cultural and entertainment events.

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Summer Engineering Program

The Summer Engineering Program gives undergraduates from the University of Notre Dame College of Engineering a chance to study and live in London. The course is run by two professors from the College of Engineering, who make the most of the city’s industrial roots to teach their classes. From trips to iconic sites such as the Tower of London to the Royal Air force museum, students can see first hand some examples of world class engineering!

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Pre-College: Knowledge and Power

For two weeks, students immerse themselves in one of the world’s oldest and greatest cities renowned for its distinct literature, acclaimed theater, iconic architecture, and thriving financial district. The curriculum focuses on how London came to be one of the leading hegemonic capitals in the world through an exploration of its complicated imperial history and culture by visiting its many historic buildings, museums and diverse neighborhoods. The program is limited to 18 students who will be rising high school seniors by the time of the program.

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