Students win London Archaeology Poster Presentation!

Author: Emily Grassby


Congratulations to Sean Hipskind, Laura Haruno, and Brittany Gibler, winners of the London Archaeology: Local and Global Perspectives poster project!


The London Archaeology course explores the archaeology of the city and considers both local and global perspectives at play, in the past and present.  The students were tasked with producing academic posters, much like those that are commonly presented at conferences and professional meetings.  


Professor Fay Stevens who teaches the course explained,  “they provide an exciting opportunity to research, synthesize and report on an archaeological subject, require the exploration of an idea, recognizing the importance of design, identifying forms of knowledge and the development of scholarly interpretation.”


The London Undergraduate Program staff, including Director of Student Affairs, Judy Hutchinson, and Librarian and Academic Programs Coordinator, Alice Tyrell, judged the competition.  The winning poster, entitled A Quest to Save the Past: Presentation vs. Preservation, explored different approaches to preserving and presenting archaeological sites, focusing on the Temple of Mithras and the Rose Theatre.


Alice Tyrell said, “It was a really hard judging decision.  The poster was very clear and well designed, and focused on an issue in contemporary London.”


Well done to all London Archaeology students who have worked extremely hard throughout the course!


The posters will be on display in the LUP Library from today.


Image ©University of Notre Dame London Global Gateway

Originally published by Emily Grassby at on April 23, 2014.