Roots and Ruins Student Poster Fair

Author: Emily Grassby

Roots and Ruins student poster fair

Yesterday evening, a group of students who traveled to the north of England came together to present their project work to their classmates, and London Global Gateway staff and faculty members.

The trip, which was sponsored by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, included visits to Durham, Lindisfarne, and York, to learn about Christianity in England, monastic communities in Medieval times, the Reformation, and the lives and work of saints who contributed to Christianity in England.

For their posters, the students were asked to represent the part of the trip that was most significant to them with a photo and short text, expanding further in a short oral presentation.  They also developed their ideas in photo essays, focusing on an aspect they learnt on the trip, a place they visited, or giving an overview of the trip.

Every student was passionate about their experiences and what they learnt on the trip.  They embarked upon the pilgrimage to explore religion in a new country, discover parts of England they would not normally have gone to, and to gain a deeper sense of their faith outside of the big city.  Lindisfarne was a discernable favorite but the students appreciated the nature, beauty, and relaxing atmosphere of all the sites they visited.


Learn more about the Roots and Ruins trip from Alexandra Bohnsack (London Undergraduate Program, Fall 2014) on the London Global Gateway blog.

View photos from the poster fair on the London Global Gateway Facebook page.

Originally published by Emily Grassby at on October 16, 2014.