Varieties of Goodness: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives

Location: London Global Gateway

May 11-12, 2015

Already in antiquity philosophers divided over the question of whether  goodness—to use Aristotle’s phrase—is ‘something universal, common to all good things, and single’ (EN 1096a28).  Plato thought so; Aristotle thought not, and issued a series of stinging objections intended to register his dissatisfaction with Plato’s approach.  The division inaugurated in their exchange has never really left philosophy.   In virtually every era, employing a variety of different idioms, philosophers have debated this question, together with a series of consequential issues in axiology and practical reason, concerning: the comparability and commensurability of value; preference and choice in a pluralistic value world; the connection between intellectual value assessment and the will; the additivity of value; organic goodness; and the character of intrinsic and final goods.  This conference puts into discussion with one another participants with expertise in different facets of this ongoing conversation.

This event will take place at Fischer Hall (1 Suffolk Street, London SW1Y 4HG)

For more information, please go to the Varieties of Goodness webpage or Notre Dame’s Department of Philosophy website.

Originally published at