Does the World Need a Treaty on Business and Human Rights? Weighing the Pros and Cons


Location: Fischer Hall

Co-sponsored by the University of Notre Dame Law School and the Business and Human RIghts Resource Centre.
Currently the question of a binding instrument on business and human rights is the topic of intense international debate. A proposal at the UN for a Treaty has received the support of over 70 governments and over one hundred regional and international NGOs. At the same time, it has received a high degree of scepticism by many experts, developed country governments, and international business associations.
Join us to discuss this issue with a high-level panel of experts!
Main speakers:
Introduction of Topic: Professor Doug Cassel, Notre Dame Law School
Proponent: Professor Chip Pitts, Lecturer in Law at Stanford Law School; Advisor to the UN Global Compact
Commentator: Professor Sheldon Leader, Essex University
Sceptic: Chris Esdaile, Leigh Day
Commentator: Dr. Nadia Bernaz, Middlesex University
Reflections: Michael Addo, UN Working Group on business and human rights
There will be 30 minutes for questions & answers, and a post-event reception for all who wish to attend

Please RSVP to Sam Whannel: by 1 May 2014

Originally published at